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Design Thinking

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In this workshop, Jessica Peña, Director of Workforce Management and Talent Operations at Atlantic Health Systems, provides a detailed guide on how to apply design thinking within talent acquisition. Drawing from her extensive experience in various industries, Jessica shares real-world case studies and actionable strategies to help participants facilitate effective design thinking sessions. This workshop is designed to help organizations foster a user-centric mindset, spark innovation, and solve complex challenges through collaborative problem-solving.

Key topics discussed included the importance of diversity in problem-solving sessions, the value of bringing together individuals with different perspectives and backgrounds, and the role of facilitation in guiding the design thinking process. 

Overall, the workshop provides insights into the principles and practices of design thinking, emphasizing its role in fostering creativity, collaboration, and innovation within organizations.

What You Will Learn:

  • Introduction to Design Thinking: Understand the fundamental concepts and benefits of design thinking, and how it can be applied to talent acquisition. 
  • Facilitating Design Thinking Sessions: Learn how to plan and conduct engaging design thinking workshops, including setting objectives, involving cross-functional teams, and using effective tools and exercises. 
  • Phases of Design Thinking: Explore the different phases of design thinking—Examine, Understand, Ideate, Experiment, and Distill—and how to navigate each phase to achieve optimal results. 
  • Case Studies and Practical Applications: Gain insights from real-life case studies demonstrating the successful application of design thinking in recruitment and onboarding processes. 
  • Overcoming Common Challenges: Discover strategies to handle common obstacles such as analytical thinking dominance, lack of motivation, and ensuring diverse participation.


Jessica Peña

Director of Workforce Management and Talent Operations

Atlantic Health System

Jessica Peña is a highly accomplished professional with over 20 years of experience in human resources, focusing on talent within the technology and medical industries. She has demonstrated a remarkable career trajectory, having held significant leadership positions in various renowned organizations.


Design Thinking
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  50 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  50 minutes Overall, the workshop provides insights into the principles and practices of design thinking, emphasizing its role in fostering creativity, collaboration, and innovation within organizations. Key Takeaways: 1. Diversity Drives Innovation: Bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives can lead to innovative solutions by leveraging different viewpoints and approaches. 2. Facilitation is Key: Effective facilitation plays a crucial role in guiding the design thinking process, ensuring that sessions are structured, inclusive, and focused on achieving desired outcomes. 3. Collaborative Problem-Solving: Design thinking encourages collaborative problem-solving, allowing teams to address common challenges collectively and generate creative solutions through open dialogue and ideation. 4. Iterative Process: Design thinking is an iterative process that involves continuous refinement and improvement, with sessions often revisited to build upon previous insights and ideas.
Key Takaways
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  7/10 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  7/10 points to pass This quiz contains multiple choice questions and must be completed with a success of 70% or higher in order to display understanding of content
1.00 credit hours credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 credit hours credit  |  Certificate available